Ashley • Momma 4 boys 💕💕 3 mine & one bonus child. TTC with my husband for 8+ months.

My sister.. 27 years old has never had a baby..

Never imagined having one, never wanted one.

2 days ago I received a message from her stating she’s pregnant, shes overwhelmed, scared and worried...

I have three boys & she loves her nephews but she’s never diapered, bathed nothing with a baby.

She lives in a camper, jobless with her boyfriend no license, no car... 😕

AND SHE JUST FOUND OUT SHES 28 weeks pregnant! TWENTY 8 weeks!

She’s a bigger gal, so she never noticed any symptoms she had cancer spots on her cervix through her teen years so she never thought she could conceive, she’s abused drugs for years & I’m praying hasn’t in a while but likely she has... I know previously before finding out she was pregnant she did some things.

I love her to death watching her cry at the sight at the babies heart beat made me smile, maybe this is her sign from god... Maybe this is her turn around. I cannot help but to be scared for her, I want to take the baby. But I let her know I’m here if something where to ever happen....

I’ve cried, I’ve asked why not me pregnant?

I’ve been trying to conceive since December 2017!

Then this morning at 6 am, she was in pain..

We drove to the ER, first ultra sound and she’s 28 weeks. Boy or girl we have no idea making her an OB appot.

Please pray for her during this time...

a happy healthy baby...

and me, for trying to just be so happy for her yet sad on the inside.

The picture is the babies little heart chambers, heart was 162 and sounded amazing.