Sick and sad 😥

Just a rant 😩

My life has been sick for over a month now and we’re all so sad and tired. I spent 3 weeks asking the doctors why he had a fever and no energy, and when he finally stopped eating I took him daily to see every doctor until someone finally found out he had strep and TWO ear infections. 10 days of being tired and not eating on antibiotics he was finally back to normal for 2 days and he woke up yesterday with a fever, runny nose and a cough again 😩 we went back to the dr. Who said his ears and throat and lungs were fine but still gave him MORE antibiotics.

I don’t want to give him something he doesn’t need, especially when it made him feel so bad, but poor baby is breaking my heart not feeling himself 😔

He can’t live on Motrin and Tylenol but I don’t know how to deal with doctors constantly telling me I’m overreacting. We even took him to the er who said he was fine 😭