He has a big decision

Okay hi. So I have been friends with this boy for over 2 years now. We met at camp and lived far away from each other but we have kept a conversation since then. So he’s a year older than me but we both go to the same college now and see each other just about everyday. It’s so crazy but we both love each other so much we have an amazing friendship going on.

The only problem is, he’s had a girlfriend for the past 3 years. I would be happy for them if only she made him happy. She stresses him out so much. And to make matters worse, she’s now telling him he needs to stop talking to me. I just feel so bad because we’re such great friends and he likes me a lot but he basically has to decided between us. And I know he’s contemplated breaking up with her for the past three years on and off but he’ll feel lonely if he does. He is visiting his girlfriend at her school this weekend and I guess when he comes back I’ll find out what happens? I told him that I want him to do what’s best for him and what will make him happier. He said not talking to me wouldn’t make him happier but it would relieve some of his girlfriend’s anguish which would relieve him.

Idk does anyone have any thoughts on what to do? Especially if he can’t talk to me anymore?