What do you and your SO do on your days off?


So im just curious. My SO and I have one day off together. He likes to play his games or his drums or piano and relax on his days off, i like to do my artsy stuff, paint, design. We kinda just do our on thing but together ? If that makes sense.

. Maybe watch some tv together later on in the day.

Sometimes i wish he'd want to spend more time with me, i talk a lot, While he doesnt talk that much, unless hes around our friends than he talks a lot and im the quiet one.

Sometimes i dont know if im annoying or if other guys are like this. Hes the first guy ive ever lived with so i dont really know anything else. It feels pretty normal. He likes to be with friends and doing out going things, while id rather be at home painting, and watching movies. Im content with this but i wonder how other relationships are with each other.

Him and I are kinda like complete opposites but we're drawn together through art and music. Hes a musician and im an artist so thats where our passions are.

We've lived together for 4 years now, this is the first year where its just us, no roomates.

So what do you and your so do on your days off ?