My husband’s Grandmother 😣😣

Am I wrong? My husband received a phone call today from his grandmother. He put her on speaker as usual. She asked if I was around to hear. My husband says yes. She then proceeded to tell me that she saw a hand me down for our baby on my dining room table and wanted to let me know that her great grandson can’t wear second hand clothes. And that she’s going to buy the baby a crib and I can’t set it up until after the baby show because that will be her present for the shower. 😣 I told her that I have no problem with second hand clothes and my daughter used them as well. And I just said ok uh huh about the crib thing. I am literally pissed because she continues to try and tell me what I am going to do and my husband just sits there and allows it. I talk to him after and I’m heated I’m kinda going off and I say what we do with our child is our decision no one else’s he completely seems to shut down on me and looks as if he is just not on my side and only says I hear you. Wouldn’t discuss anything any further.

This is the same grandmother who let us go on for months believing our wedding hall was paid off only to find out she didn’t pay it off. The problem is me and my husband wanted to pay but she insisted she would pay. She would bring us fake receipts each month pretending it was being paid for. When all she had to do was let us know we had to take over the payments. We were left last minute with no hall and went to the courthouse instead. My husbands response to this was that he felt something was off but he gave her the benefit of doubt. Then he proceeded to tell me she’s done stuff like this his whole life. My question to him was why didn’t he give me a heads up. I was so hurt and frustrated and now she tries to tell me something like this and my husband just says nothing. I am 10000% so over this. I am wrong for being frustrated with my husband? Am I being dramatic?