*UPDATE*I think he's going to propose 🤔


Update: so he didn't propose 😔 BUT we did find some nice emeralds and he's having a ring made for me. He had me stand outside while he talked to the people in the lapidary about the ring and only called me in to get my ring measurement, which when they asked which hand and finger, he said my left and ring finger. They said it would be 6 months for the ring to be made and shipped to us since they're backed up with orders, so I'm thinking he might propose then? I'm not positive but that's kind of how it sounds since he won't tell me anything about it and says it's a surprise. I'm kinda bummed but we had a great time so I'm happy that we went

These are some of the emeralds we found


So me and my boyfriend have been together for nearly 7 years now and our anniversary is in 2 days. Since we're broke, we aren't doing anything that day but this weekend we're going to a local mine to find our own gemstones since we both love gems and minerals and it's something he's never done before.

WELL. We've been saving up for this trip for 3 months or more now and he's been asking some odd questions... like what's my favorite gem, my ring size, what gem I would like most in a ring, my birthstone, etc... and we even talked about proposals because the topic got brought up from something I saw online.

What makes me even more suspicious is that he wanted to talk to my dad alone yesterday when we had a family gathering and before that, he went to the store alone with my brother. He's said before that he would ask for my dad's blessing before proposing, and he knows that I look up to my brother so he could've asked him too. Anyway, I was in the car and saw them talking. I couldn't hear them and wasnt trying to but I saw them talk, shake hands and then hug, something they've never done before.

Today, he said if it came down to it, we would cut out one of the activities in order to get "the ring" made. 🤔 I was like, okay, well that's fine I guess. He's also insistent on getting a bucket of gems that contain jewelry quality emeralds, which is my birthstone.

Y'all, I have been waiting for this for so long. I don't want to get my hopes up in case he doesn't do it but it sounds a lot like he is! I'm so nervous but trying not to get my hopes up just in case. What do you guys think?