Am I the only one?! 🤯😩🤨🤱🏻


So, i was just minding my business, living my best life. i was about to get this great job (a friend was putting me on) with salary pay, benefits. the good shit. I moved back home with my parents temporarily because by the grace of god they said yes lol!

Out of damn nowhere I look up and notice i haven’t seen one drop of menstrosity lately .... 🤔🤔 aghhh well it’ll come. I have more days in the month.

1 more week..... nothing.

2 more weeks .... nothing.

.... I take my friend to Benihana on her birthday, I had been feeling weird lately. appetite was off (I stopped smoking a week prior). We left and laughingly say well let’s just go get a test see what it says. we laugh over a glass of wine, and I say alright I’ll take it.

I peed on the stick and I saw one line and say wheeewwwwwww!!! 😂🤣😁😁 that was close!

I put the damn stick down and ooooppp. Wait. lol it’s not done yet. I see a small faint line come right after.... and I just immediately chuckle softly to myself. 🙂🙂😕

I walk out of the bathroom and lean on the counter with my face in my hands... my friend says...... so what does it say!

Lol I laugh and say I don’t know girl, go look at it!!!

She goes in the bathroom and looks and comes out with this EXACT LOOK——- 😧😳😳😶🙂

She says “Bitch, you’re pregnant”!!!

Our faces get stuck between happy, sad, sorry phases 😩😄😭😕😧😔🤭😊

That was 2 weeks ago, I now have been to the “free clinic” & confirmed my pregnancy andddd my first sono is next Tuesday.

I am OUT OF MY MIND SCARED, terrified, overwhelmed and flat the fuck out sad because I don’t know if I’m worthy of this lol. no but seriously. I don’t know what to even start doing like there’s just so much. i have people in my life and myself and the father are great. I’m just dramatically passed out anxious!! I haven’t told my momss.

We’s is not married and like I said lol I just moved back home with her! I’m a bartender currently so I obviously don’t have insurance! I’m trying to get Medicaid until I do get a job. But shits hard out here. Looking for jobs, doctors without insurance, and a new apartment for me and the nugget, it’s put me in a over the damn top emotional ride.

I just don’t know juicy. I just don’t know.

Any tips, my queens of baby vessels 🤸🏼‍♀️🤸🏼‍♀️?!