Where, oh where to begin..

My baby girl was born on my birthday back in December (9 months old), our nephew was born just 23 days later (8 months old).

Back story that’s necessary for this post- my sister in law and her (now) husband work nights at a casino, they drop my nephew off with my in laws from Thursday to the following Tuesday all night long and everything. Like they do not see him from Thursday until they pick him back up Tuesday.

I work from home and my husband has a regular day job, so we’re never in need of a baby sitter- but we spend our entire weekend sharing our baby girl with family members. We go see my in laws every single weekend so they get time with our girl because they do not go out of their way to see us at our home (practically the same town)

Anyway- I get that my in laws have a different bond with my nephew and that’s fine, he’s practically their kid. That’s fine.

What is NOT fine is when we come over NO ONE shows our girl much attention because they have to tend to our nephew. I get so dang aggravated that we go over there for essentially nothing. No one goes out of the way to pick her up, play with her, nothing. Or when they do somehow get her in their lap, they say hi and then immediately put her down and pick up my nephew.

I don’t want him to receive less attention, but I would like to see my daughter get at least some attention from her FAMILY.

If for whatever reason we miss going over there one weekend (this RARELY happens) no one calls, no one comes over through the week to see her.. But they go out of their way 30 miles to see my nephew if another family member is watching him..

Anytime we hit a new milestone (this is our first and last baby so we get excited and post everything lol) they immediately respond with “awesome, this is what he’s doing”

But they’ve always done this- every wellness appointment the babies have they HAVE to compare their sizes etc.

our daughter is developmental ahead (she’s a month older so of course) and he’s slightly bigger than her.

They essentially have to buy him every little thing he needs, that’s fine. We can spoil our daughter just fine, but what infuriates me is they went shopping “just because” and lined up everything they bought him- over 30+ outfits and shoes- and snap chatted it for us to see and while yes they asked my daughters size, my daughter got NOTHING. MY DAUGHTER IS THEIR GRANDDAUGHTER/ GREAT NIECE AS WELL.

Last night we celebrated my husband’s aunts birthday and she received (from two different people) two canvas pictures of my nephew, none of my daughter.. so that just hit the nail in the head for me. My feelings were hurt..

I’m just soooo hurt for my girl. I never had to go through this growing up, all of us were treated the same. She’s too young to understand right now, but one day I’ll have to sit down and explain to her why they don’t do the same for her all because we don’t need them to babysit 😞

But you best believe when I post pictures of her on Facebook they’re the FIRST ones to comment “that’s our girl, we love our baby girl” 🙄🙄


Picture of my sweet baby girl 💖