Period ?

Okay guys, I had my little girl about 8 weeks ago. My bleeding was really heavy after I had her and was bright red up until like week 3 maybe 4 with clots . It’s slowed turned brown and really light I can just wear a liner. I had sex for the first time about 4 days ago. No issues ., still light brown bleeding.. The last two days I didn’t bleed at all.. SO and I had sec again yesterday evening . Last night I decide it was ok to not wear a liner . This morning I wake up and my undies , the bed sheets blankets and all were soaked in bright red blood again and it hasn’t stopped either .. . is this my period coming back my doctor told me since I’m breast feeding I won’t have one for a while. So I’m confused .. maybe tramma to the cervix after sex? I remember when I was pregnant that was a thing so I’m not sure tbh. I can’t get in to see the doc til next week

Also I’ve been lightly cramping for the last week too but I didn’t think anything of it. And my milk supply slowed for the last 3 days but this morning also picked back up?? Idk guys I’m confused af.