PLEASE HELP! I’m exhausted 😩


Since my daughter turned two a couple weeks ago, her sleep patterns have COMPLETELY changed. She used to lay down at 8 with no issues and sleep through the night. Now she fights even going to bed - sometimes not laying down until 9:30/10. And wakes every 10-15 minutes for usually 2/3 hours straight before finally falling asleep.

She just yells “mommy! Mommy!” Over and over and cries. I’ve tried consoling her, I’ve tried letting her cry, I’ve tried interval checking, I’ve tried a night light, I’ve tried different essential oils. I just don’t know what to do to get my baby sleeping again and I am EXHAUSTED. I’m losing my patience quick 😩

Any tips, please?!

UPDATE! Turns out she did have an ear infection! Her first ever and taking it surprisingly well. I took her in after spiking a fever and then starting to dig in her right ear. Hopefully after the antibiotics, she will be feeling back to normal and sleep will return 🤞🏻 Thank you for the tips ladies!