Being overweight effecting HCG levels?

So I am not sure how far along I am. I got a positive last week and I had been testing every few days for quite a while. My last period was in July but it was abnormal. Generally my periods are 7-8 days and very heavy the whole time. I’ve never spotted until July 14th. I spotted from the 14th to the 16th. Since then I have been having crazy symptoms non stop. But all negative tests. I even had negative bloodwork.

Then fast forward to last week I got a positive FRER. Went to the doctors and they confirmed pregnancy through bloodwork but my HCG level was at 97. She said I was 1-2 weeks but because my cycle was messed up she feels I must be further along but that since I am overweight it may cause lower HCG levels. She said that overweight women tend to have lower HCG levels and can sometimes take quite a bit longer to test positive for pregnancy.

Has anyone had this experience or even heard of this? I have thought I was pregnant since July but with all the negative tests I just assumed I was crazy even with all of my symptoms I am now having “advanced” symptoms for being only 4-5 weeks.

My OB said the symptoms I should be experiencing are light cramping, occasional dizziness and headaches, fatigue, and some breast tenderness until about 6-8 weeks. Then she said I would begin having morning sickness and extreme breast tenderness etc.

I am having round ligament pains, light cramping, serious morning sickness, horrible breast pain, awful bloating, it feels like I’m laying on a ball in my lower stomach, lower back pain, severe fatigue and exhaustion, extreme cravings, extreme emotional ups and downs, I have already had to ditch my jeans but I haven’t gained more than 2 pounds. My boobs keep increasing in size and I have horrible insomnia and strange dreams at night.

Please share your symptoms! Maybe my body is just weird.