My baby boy.


After a scary night and day of doctors yesterday, bleeding down my legs and crying out of fear. I was relieved to see my babies heart beat on the ultrasound. Knowing that i would still be able to hold my little one soon was the best feeling in the world. The bleeding was coming from an old lining that usually sheds slowly in the first trimester. My baby was safe and we will be going to get check ups every week to make sure everything is okay. In a turn of events, while we were there, she was able to see the gender. We are blessed with a precious little baby boy! I can’t be more grateful this experience.

Today i went back to a painting i have been working on for a while but had been sitting for a while because i didn’t know how to finish it, but after this experience, i finished it finally. With a fall tree and a baby boy with his dad. (They are under the tree, sorry it’s hard to see in the photo)

I’m so grateful for this baby, my husband, and our growing family. For those who aren’t so lucky, i only saw a brief glimpse into their pain and sadness. For those who do have loss, you are probably some of the strongest people out there. I will keep everyone who is experiencing or had experienced such a lokss in my
