Guy best friend

I’m a girl and I have a guy best friend. Coz like why not? Literally I don’t get on well with other girls (my age) really and he gets me. Like really well. Lately we’ve been a bit distant. I love him but I’m not in love with him. If that makes sense. We’ve been distant well I don’t really know why but I think it’s because we cannot be together without someone saying shit. We still hang out but when we do often he like speaks to other people (obviously there’s nothing wrong with this). Like he goes of for private conversations with everyone and I feel like he never tells me anything. He used to tell me everything. I feel left out. I’m so confused. He started acting distant after I told like my sister from another mister that he’s got girls fighting over him and I can’t even get one guy. Like I don’t get it. It’s not like I’d try and get with him. Any ideas girls?? #confused xx