Can someone please give me advice?

*Update* I just found out he has a girlfriend.... thank you to everyone who tried to help though.

*Before you read I’m in the 8th grade*

So there’s this really cute guy at school... and I really want to talk to him but I’m so shy and self conscious. I hate everything about my self and I’m scared that he’ll think I’m ugly or fat or that I have too much acne or that I’m annoying... everybody I know tells me I’m annoying and it’s not on purpose it’s because I’m genuinely lonely and sad.. so when I talk to people I tend to come off as annoying.. I’m also really awkward. He seems like a really nice person and just go out of a relationship with a girl who cheated on her.. if he were my boyfriend I’d never do anything to hurt him.. I don’t want anybody to think im grown or anything because I’ve actually never had a boyfriend before. All my other friends have boy friends but I’m.. kinda the only one that doesnt.. I don’t want a boyfriend to fit in it’s just that he seems like a really good person and he’s really really cute. I’ve kinda just been staring at him from afar. I told my friend that on Monday I was going to talk to him and if I back out I owe her a dollar. What do I say? I know I’m only 13 but do you think I should at least try?

Here’s a pic of me: