Rash on eyes and pregnant

Kendra • Married Mom of 💝2013,💙2015,💝2017,💙2019, 💝2021 and 3 Angel's 👼👼👼!

I'm 16 weeks with my 4th viable pregnancy (7th total). I've never had this rash before. It's not pink eye. It doesnt weep. It itches like crazy, lotions burn and the only thing I have found that helps with some relief is chapstick. It started 3 days ago with my right eye and now its spreading to my left....any one have ANY clue as to what this is or some one had the same thing? I have an OB appointment tomorrow (who is also my family dr) and will be asking her to look, but I'm just looking for some better relief right now because this is terrible!

I know I dont need to cause it's just my eyes but I'm going to blur pics as TMI just in case some one doesnt want to see it.