Baby shower drama

I just have to get this off my chest. Thank you in advance for letting me rant. So my sister wanted to throw my shower. I agreed. I told her the day, the location, and that I wanted to do a co-ed party and invite everyone (like a walk in party with light refreshments only). She went with it. Stress lifted off the shoulders, right? Wrong. It's a long and drama filled story. To shorten it, she basically said she wanted to do it her way or not at all. Her way was female only and less than 20 people. My husband and I both have very large and complicated families. I wanted ONE party so it would be less stressful. So I explained that to her and she flipped out on me and said she's not doing it anymore. So my husband and I threw our own baby shower. Longer story short, my sister no longer speaks to me and talks negatively to friends and family behind my back. She has turned our mutual friends against me. Now she's throwing a shower for one of these said friends who also happens to be pregnant. She tried to guilt me into helping but I'm not going to. My sister calls and messages her weekly and asks about her pregnancy. Not once in the past 4 months has she asked about mine. She only contacts me when she needs something from me. But then turns around and says she can't wait to spoil my baby and "EXPECTS" (her exact word) to be in the delivery room, which is obviously NOT going to happen. I have no friends to talk to so again, for those who took the time to read this, THANK YOU for taking the time out of your day!