I have a boyfriend but kind of want a girlfriend

I’ve like girls ever since I can remember but have always dated guys and have been with guys as the social norm and cause I like them too I guess, But lately I feel less and less attracted to men and more to women. I’m almost convinced I forced myself to like guys growing up cause it was what I was suppose to do and maybe I really might of been lesbian and now I’m just “bi” I guess. But I always find myself “checking out” the girl first before I even notice the guy in public. Also being penetrated by a man grows less and less appealing to me the older I get cause I feel like that’s all they care about no matter how kind they are. It’s just their nature and I’m not feelin it. I’ve fantasized about having a girlfriend who’s close how me and my bff are but CERTAINLY NOT her specifically. I want to be with someone else with a friendship like that, that’s open and fun and care free with the relationship touches added in. I don’t know what to do. P.s. I like natural redheads 🧡