Plan b

Why are plan b symptoms so extreme I’ve tried both generic and non generic and both make me so ill to the point that I’m hunched over in pain unable to move

Update: I’ve only taken it twice the first time was a generic version and it was over 6 months ago and it was because the condom broke and we wanted to be on the safe side and then this time I took the non generic kind. And I know it’s a large amount of hormones but all the people I’ve talked to who have taken it haven’t ever felt like this... and it’s messing with me in every way possible I can’t stop cry and I’m a mess I’ve had 4 mental breakdowns today because I feel guilty for taking it even though I didn’t really have a choice cause the guy made me take it. And it’s just not ok I’m not ok right now and it sucks and I’m ready to swear off sex because I never want to feel like this again.