First period after BC

So I started having cramps from hell last night!, I have been having very very light bleeding since Sunday but not even enough to wear a liner, just when I wipe.. woke up to pee around midnight last night and felt a bit of pressure down there, I had started bleeding heavier so I did my little waddle back into the bedroom to get my “period undies” and a pad trying not to wake up my Husband.. got all sorted, took some ibuprofen and went back to sleep.. then I woke up again at around 2am with HORRIBLE pain! The worst I have had in years! I was curled up in a ball, crying, clenching my pillow, I felt like someone had shoved a knive through my uterus!!.. my Husband woke up and I looked at him with tear filled eyes and said I’m having 2 months worth of cramps!! (I didn’t get my period last month) he just said aww that sucks and went straight back to sleep! (How rude) So I got up, heated a heat pack.. that didn’t help so I was waking him up every few minutes saying can I have more pain killers yet!?.. I lasted until 3am before taking more and then I slept fine until my alarm went off.. I was on the combination pill for almost 8 years and in June I was put into the Mini Pill but that just made me bleed constantly!, so since the end of August I have been off all birth control and this is my first period since.. I’m bleeding quiet light still but the pain is horrible! anyone else have extreme pain their first period off BC?, does it get better each month? 😢