Need someone to talk to

I was put out of the house by my mom 3 years ago and I met this person who offered to help me out with getting motel room to stay in for the night so I agreed to let him help me and he went and bought drinks and snacks for me and bought alcohol which I don’t drink. Then he walked with me to the motel and got the room for me but he came in the room also and I wasn’t expecting him to. So I ate and drank my drink and passed out then woke up and he was on me I think he put something in my drink because I was in and out of consciousness. After a while he left then I guess I called my best friend and he came to pick me up. Ever since that day I’ve been scared to sleep with the lights off or by myself. I now sleep with my baby or boyfriend next to me, I rarely even like it when my boyfriend touches me because of what happened to me. I never trust anyone anymore either and the guy has never been caught either and I don’t know his name either