My deliver story ..


Well it’s my turn now to post my delivery story. This is Athena hope & she was born 6lb 8oz 19 inched long born October 11,2018 original due date was 10/18/18 I was in labor for 2 days in excruciating pain and after being sent home and brought back for a few days my dr said I was in labor. I started at 1cm then in an hour an a half I dilated to 3 then another hour went by and another an finally I was at about 4 or 5 they gave me an epidural. My water broke while I was numb I guess. I was taking a nap an woke up in more excruciating pain feeling the contractions again by the time I was 8cm so they put even more numbing medicine i ended getting a really bad reaction by 9cm to the epidural & they told me my baby’s heart rate was to high and I’m gonna have to get an emergency c section so they prepped me for that an took me to the back a little while later my fiancé came back an sat with me so once they painfully pulled her out they started shoving tubes down her throat and all kinds of stuff I passed out but my fiancé was right there she ended up eating her poop on the way out and got real sick she turned blue. They got her stable and let me kiss her goodbye. Right after I knocked out and they took her away I woke up in recovery room and they got my fever down and everything an hour later they took me to my room and she was brought to me. I’m still recovering in the hospital and it’s very painful but I see her an she’s all worth every ounce of pain I have to go through. She’s my rainbow baby and I couldn’t be any more happier my family is complete. 💖