Opinions/chemical pregnancy

Idk if I can post this here but Ok so first of I’m a hypochondriac and I haven’t gone to the doctor for this but I believe I’m having a chemical pregnancy I got faint positives for a few days that went away and I started bleeding a week after my period was due anyway today I had sex and I’m still on my period

I can’t believe I forgot we totally forgot about it

I know it’s safe to have sex on your period but on chemical pregnancy does this make me very prone to an infection or something ?

I’m on my last 2 days of my period the bleeding I’m having is the brown bleeding I get at the end

It just totally slipped my mind I remembered till we were done and I’m freaking out now it he cummed in me so I’m scared of infection 😬

Since now I read some people even wait weeks after a chemical pregnancy to have sex