Fetal doppler....

Cecily • (3 baby angels👼🏻) Dakota Jace 💙 & Sophia Rose 🌹

Okay, I have a heart doppler for myself to use and I don’t use it everyday. But having gone through so many miscarriages, this time around I’m very cautious and want to always know my baby is okay.. I know it’s not possible to stop a miscarriage from happening or stop from anything bad happening but it’s still reassuring and lets us know our baby’s heartbeat is still beating.... I want to use it but I’m having a hard time using it now because of all the bad stuff I heard about them. It works good for me and I always find baby but, what is all the hype for? Why is it “unsafe”? Has their been anyone who lost their baby because they used their heart Doppler? Everyone says they aren’t safe but don’t give a good reason or any experience/evidence of this? I just want to be reassured tonight... but I feel guilty like I’m doing something wrong. 😔