What can you compare labor and pushing to

So sadly the only woman in my life that I can talk to about pregnancy is my mother and she uses the fear tacket and I don’t understand why. All I want is an honest answer to what to expects right now I am only 5 wks but I am trying to prepare myself mentally for all the changes including the pain. Well I suffer from IBS and yea for some it’s not bad and thank the lord it’s gotten better the past few months but there’s been times I have almost passed out from the gut renching pain and so has my mom it just gets unbearable at times and also has helped me realize my pain threshold and there was a time I was going septic ( i didn’t realize till the pain hit that I hadn’t gone in over 3 days) but thank god was able to avoid hospitalization just in time the ambulance showed up but I had passed out on a public bathroom floor 🤮🤢 because of the pain well anywho I am curious if anyone had gone through either the septic or IBS and could compare it to labor if it’s same ( I get it’s a bit different completely two different areas that effect us differently but I am curious about the pain) or it’s worse or what