I HATE being pregnant

Malaya • I love my daughter don’t question it 💯👊🏾

Am I wrong ? I kno there’s so many women out there who don’t have the ability to get pregnant, and I try to be grateful. But I hate it. I hate the fact that I’m having a kid right now. I never thought I would have kids, I truly feel like I ruined my life. I had dreams of being in the military, traveling for free and seeing the world, going to college, living my best life. But once I got pregnant everybody made me feel like my life ended when I saw those two lines. At first I was excited, but it got old quickly. I’m tired of always feeling nauseous, I’m tired of sore breast that’s leak 24/7!. I loved feeling my baby kick at first, but now It the most annoying thing to me. I’m tired of none of my clothes fitting right. All my eyelashes have fallen out since getting pregnant, my hair is going right with it. I use to be so confident, I use to be so radiant now I’m just depressed. The person I’m having a kid with makes me regret it even more!!

My best advice to all my friends is DONT. GET. PREGNANT.

Rant over. Signed - only 25 weeks in and over it !