Casual dating


So, since I got out of a relationship 3 months ago, which was heartbreaking, I decided I needed to take time to myself and learn to love myself before I try to be with someone again. I have a bad habit of focusing too much on the person I'm with, and not doing things I enjoy or making time for my friends. Basically, I'm not mentally healthy enough to form a good, long lasting relationship with someone, and I realize that.

BUT. I get lonely, just like everyone else. So I date casually. I didn't go looking, he found me. We go out and have fun, spend time together, get to know each other, etc. Now, I've only really done this with this one guy, but before he came along I started messing around with one of my best friends. We get together once a week, hang out, have mind blowing sex, talk shit to each other like always 😂

Here's the shitty part. They know each other. They're friends. In fact, we've all been around the same friend groups for years. Now, they know about each other, but I make it a point not to rub it in their faces. That would be cruel. The guy I'm casually dating gets a little too clingy sometimes, and he talks like we're together sometimes, which bothers me. I've discussed this with him, and he's backed off, but I have this feeling that he assumes we're being exclusive with each other without being in a relationship. I've been extremely clear that I'm not ready for ANY type of commitment, and that everything is strictly casual. When he tells me about hanging out with his friends and telling them a story about me, he starts with "my girl" and I swiftly correct him. But I still feel that if he knew exactly what I was doing, he might get upset. Which is normal, but is he gonna be angry "how could you?" upset or "I understand, I knew the stipulations" but just kinda bummed out?

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I literally could not be more clear. I don't want to just end everything, because he's a genuinely good guy and seems to care about and respect me quite a bit.