Keratosis Pilaris

I’ve had this skin condition that up until recently I thought was eczema. I’ve had it my whole life on my arms, legs, and under my chin. I never had anything on my butt until after I had my baby. I thought it was pad rash, but I’ve seen on here that people say it doesn’t look like it. So with research, I think I have Keratosis Pilaris. It flares up on my arms and looks like acne spots that sometimes itch. On my chin too, but not so much on my legs. After I had my baby, you know you have to wear those huge diapers and then pads for so long. I wore them for maybe 2 weeks and then noticed I had a big breakout on my butt. Well it’s been over a month since I’ve worn anything but underwear over that area and it’s not gotten better. I’ve read that pregnancy can make KP worse. So what I thought might be pad rash, may be KP? What do y’all think?