Can’t be a man

I’m a mother of two and for this fall season, I plan of taking them to see the pumpkin patch & sunflower field.

I told hubby about my plan of how I wanted us both to adventure out with the kids & he told me that going to an event was lame and that I should just tag along with my sisters. I wanted to go as a complete family because I know it’ll be memorable for the kids.

How can a man say no when it comes to these events that Children’s enjoy? When it comes to parties for his side of the family, he goes out and ask us to join him. But when we want to go out to other places (for example: beach with my side of family) he tells me “so lame” and not join us. Even when I ask him to come with me to take the kids out to the children’s discovery center, he tells me it’s lame & that I should go ask my sisters to go with me.

What is wrong with him .....