Finally caught him

My bf deletes his messages every tine I tell him I’m coming over . “Just Incase I ask to see it” so for a while I stopped asking for it . Went 2 months to catch him off guard. So yesterday morning I show up at his house around the time he’d get home from work . He apologized that his phone died at work . He had just put it on the charger right . So I’m like perfect and when it charges I wanna see it and he says ok . And proceeds to play his game on Xbox . No more than 3 min later he’s like babe can you make me sum eggs? I’m like sure. Ik it’s so he can delete his messages . So I go set the things out for breakfast and I hear he’s no longer on the game and he was moving the phone out the outlet near my setup in his room to an outlet near his game and it was in process of turning on. I’m like mhm what u doing there and he’s like I gotta text my mom. Boy no you don’t . So I took the phone and had it charging in the kitchen while I cooked . Gave him his plate and his phone . He set them to side . I walked towards the bathroom to pretend and peered from a distance and he was deleting messages . Couldn’t see who he was deleting but he deleted 4 threads . Then put his phone down. I “came back” and he’s like didn’t you wanna go through my phone? I still did cuz he didn’t delete his call logs and that’s how I got him 🤷🏾‍♀️ he claimed he didn’t delete nothing but I had recorded him swiping and deleting and showed him . I broke up with him right there . He’s still texting me even now. He can go txt Jessica and Ashleigh 🙄🤗

Ok no so I checked it once Nd since then he decided to clear it on his own .