The Reunion pt. 5

Claire • Air Force Wife ❤️ 2/21/19 💜 8/20/20 💛 Loss 4/22/23 👼 Due 4/10/24 🤰🏻

“Now you’re just being cruel! Please stop teasing me!”

“Hey, I am a very deliberate man. I like to take my time and ensure that things are done right.”

I arch my back once again as Nate let’s yet another almost orgasm slip away as he slows his movements. He begins to kiss me, his tongue pushing past my lips and into my mouth. He sucks on my bottom lip and bites gently. As he distracts me with his tongue, he slides two fingers inside me and I moan deeply against his mouth. I wrap my legs around his bare back in hopes I can pull his body closer to mine. No such luck. His strength prevails over mine and I’m stuck writhing under him, needing so badly to release this built up tension.

He then moves my legs off of him and spreads them wide so he can slide his fingers in and out of my wet pussy with ease. His lips travel down my body, stopping at my most sensitive parts to suck gently, careful not to leave any hickeys. As he gets lower and lower I know what’s coming next and I grip the comforter hard to prepare. As quick as I’m realizing it, his mouth is on my clit. His tongue flicking up and down over the hard, wet knob.

I dig my heels into the bed and moan from the immense pleasure. His fingers slide in and out of me, curved slightly to reach to most sensitive parts. His tongue licking and sucking on my clit in long drawn out movements practically pulling an orgasm from deep within me.

“Oh Nate, yes! Don’t stop!”

This time he doesn’t stop, he only pushes forward to bring me to my much needed climax. He sucks hard on my clit as he pushes his fingers in and out of me over and over, his other hand reaching under to grab my ass and pull me up closer to his mouth.

I gasp as my orgasm floods over me, my body shivering and vibrating under his touch as my climax flows through my entire body. I cry out in pure ecstasy. I know for a fact I’ve never felt this amount of pleasure in my life. He doesn’t take my orgasm as a sign to stop, he simply looks up at me and smiles before removing his fingers from inside me and moving his mouth down to lick me clean.

His tongue darts in and out of my pussy, his lips sucking against the entrance making sure to get every drop of my cum. I’m shaking from the overload of stimulation, but I know I don’t have the strength to ask him to stop. It’s all so good. I can’t get enough.

Finally, when he feels satisfied with his work, he sits up on his knees and I watch as he sucks my wetness from his fingers, one at a time, in perhaps the most erotic display I’ve ever seen.

He leans down to kiss me, and I can taste myself on his lips. I surprise him by lightly licking his lips.

“You’re even more heavenly than I could’ve ever dreamed of.”

“I can’t even describe how you make me feel, these are feelings of pleasure I’ve never known.”

“Stay with me tonight and I promise, you’ll be so spent that when I’m done, you won’t be able to feel anything but the pleasure I bring you.”

I kiss him as my response, because really, how could I ever say no?

To be continued.