I’m confused! Plz don’t ignore


Hi ladies could you plz tell me what’s going on.

So af was due yesterday (14th). (Cd one for me the day of the actual flow not the spotting) anyways . Last month I spotted on the other one 13 then it turned into af the following day , but that’s how it’s always been for me . So this month was my first month of Letrozole 5mg cd 3-7. I ovulated on cd 13-14. I spotted again on the 13th so I’m like oh shit this is af because the cramps were just like af cramps. I’m still shocked that it didn’t come because I feel nothing now. But then it stopped like an hour later. It was browisnish /pinkish . Then the 14th nothing/bfn. 15th nothing (didn’t test). Could that have been implantation bleeding? I don’t EVER spot before af, i get the flow the exact day I spot.