Calling dibs

I work with my best friend who is a male, I'm a female. Everyday him and I have time at the end of our day where we sit together for like an hour/ hour and a half and just talk. Where I work has hired an outside company to do work there. I was talking to my friend and one of these guys comes up and joins our conversation for a while. It was my time to leave so I said goodbye and walked out of the room. When I was right outside the door I heard that other guy say "brah you got dibs on her or what? She fair game?" My friend started cracking up laughing and said "fuck nah her husband does, back the fuck off" so my ass walked back in and said "just for the record I'm not a possession so noone gets to call dibs on me. I'm a person and even if I was single you wouldn't stand a chance. Learn some manners and how to speak about a woman." 😒 why do men think they can do that