40wks Today and he’s being a stinker!!


You guys I posted last Saturday about loosing my mucus plug and having strong contractions... well it’s been happening for a week!!! This is my third baby, and I know what labor feels like, at least I thought so!!! I went in to be checked Wednesday and baby boy won’t get his head in my pelvis!!! I’m having full on labor contractions, like rough ones, and last night I was convinced he was coming!!! We went to the hospital at 12am and I’m still 3cm dilated and 80% effaced and no freaking progress! I was having theses contractions that seriously felt like transition, and they could all see it on the monitor! Anyways even though they were 3-4 mins apart and I couldn’t talk through them they sent me home after they gave me a morphine shot so I could rest through some of the contractions. My poor husband, still went to work this morning after being at the hospital for 4hrs! He’s such a trooper! I’ve done squats, walked miles, pelvis tilts, constantly rocked and bounced on my birthing ball... you name it! If anyone has any other suggestions I would be so great full!! 🙏 this baby makes a move down soon!

Update: Well our little baby boy finally made it! After having another membrane sweep Wednesday, started having around 2am Thursday night went into the hospital Friday morning and baby boy was born at 1:57pm