The Reunion pt. 7

Claire • Air Force Wife ❤️ 2/21/19 💜 8/20/20 💛 Loss 4/22/23 👼 Due 4/10/24 🤰🏻

His cock was throbbing in my hand as I rubbed it up and down. I used my other hand to gently massage his balls. He was putty in my hands. His moans overlapped each other as I switched up my movements. His head was leaned back and his eyes were closed.

“Mmm Chloe, yes.”

I loved the sound of my name on his lips, especially when it was in a moment of such pleasure. I had dreamed of getting to please him like this. I kissed up and down his neck. I could feel his pulse rapidly beating beneath his skin.

“I want you to sit on the side of the tub.”

Nate looked at me with questioning eyes, but did as I asked. He leaned back a bit so he could rest his back against the wall. His legs were outstretched in the water with my body in between them. I got on my knees and looked up at him. He stroked my cheek and moved my hair away from my face, holding it behind my head.

I moved forward and began to rub his cock with one hand while my other hand rested on his thigh. Once again his eyes fell shut and I took it as the perfect opportunity to breathe against his cock. His breath hitched as he realized how close my mouth was. Goosebumps formed on his skin and his grip around my hair tightened.

While my hand rubbed his shaft close to his balls, I began to lick the head of his cock. He let out a deep, almost primal sounding moan. It was so erotic and hot. I twirled my tongue around the head as my hand picked up speed. Then I wrapped my lips around the very tip and started sucking as my tongue flicked against the sensitive spot on the underside of his cock just below the head.

I took in more of his cock inch by inch until my hand wasn’t even needed anymore to please him. He guided me up and down by my hair, gently, but definitely with urgency. I took as much of him into my mouth as I could. I sucked hard and fast and then slow and drawn out. My tongue followed my movements.

I knew he was close. I could feel his cock tightening in my mouth. I knew I could swallow, but I decided to go with a different approach. I sucked hard until I knew he was about to come, and then I leaned back just as cum began to shoot out of his throbbing cock letting all of it land on my chest.

His breathing was ragged and he had to use both hands to steady himself before he could lower himself back into the water with me. I rinsed his cum off of me and then let him rest against me with his head on my shoulder. His breathing and soft moans in my ear let me know I had definitely done my job.


“Shh just relax.”

His body relaxed against mine until his breathing finally slowed. I knew then for sure that no one had ever pleased him this way. He pulled away from my chest and kissed me hard. We sat there making out in the now lukewarm water for a few moments before we got out. He dried me off with a towel, followed by himself. Then he led me back over to the bed.

To be continued.