Our Rainbow baby! He came on my due date!


I'm so excited that I actually get to share my birth story!! After 4 miscarriages that never made it past 5 weeks, I got pregnant again and was nervous at the beginning. I kept thinking that miscarriage could happen at any moment. But the doc kept telling me how healthy he was and how healthy I was!! Every day became a milestone. My hormones were raging the first trimester, I was so sick, and emotional and thankful! My second trimester I was full of energy, and was very active, and that really helped my overall health for the rest of my pregnancy. If fact I was very active up until 37 weeks. Then it hit me. Very uncomfortable. I kept saying, I think he's going to be here any day now. And I was dialated 3cm, 80% effaced for the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy. Then 2 days before my due date contractions started! I was super emotional, crying happy tears randomly, very anxious. My contractions were 20 min apart for 26 hours! Wowsers. I went to bed the next day, slept for a couple hours then bam. The contractions got much worse and 8-10 minutes apart. And I knew we had to go to the hospital ASAP. We got to the ER, they rushed me to L&D then they told me that they needed to clean out a room for me. So I had to spend the next 45 min in the waiting room going through contractions in a crappy chair in front of strangers. It was awkward and uncomfortable haha, "get me out of here, I really can't have a baby in the waiting room. My contractions are 3-5 min apart" They finally took me to a room. I got an epidural that took way to long to take but it was so worth it. My contractions were so bad, back labor is horrible. And I had what the nurses called, birthquakes lol. I was soo shaky, with my hormones raging!! Went through active labor for 13 hours, then it was time to push! The epidural seemed to not even exist and the terrible pain came back stronger than ever. I couldn't believe I was about to give birth and how much pain I was in. How long was this going to last? The pain motivated me to push as hard as possible. My husband was so supportive and just absolutely amazing during the whole thing! Hearing me talk to me kept me in the zone! An hour of pushing and my sweet baby boy was born on his due date!! 10-10-18. 7lb 15.5oz, 20 inches. Perfectly healthy and ready for snuggles and so hungry!! We are so in love!! 😍❤

Advice for first time moms: eat food and drink water when in prelabor. I wish I would've! And don't be afraid to tell the nurses what you need to make you comfortable, including changing positions during pushing time, getting the temperature comfortable in the room, ice chips lots of them etc!