Trouble?? Juicy story maybe

Valerie • 👩🏻❤️👨🏾

Okay so am in high school and am a senior and am 18 (if anyone wondering) Now here is the story am part of yearbook club for the past 3 years of my whole school year. We were doing yearbook covers of presentation for those who submitted their covers as a option. The only kids that submit a option for this year cover was me, the teacher, and this kid. So we presented and like I was being respectful and I didn’t commit on their work I kept quiet. They took their time and showed their cover. Now when it came to me in my perspective I felt personally attack because they were criticizing my work in a harsh way saying that is this from online did you copy and paste. And this cover should really do some fixing. And while I was presenting they kept on cutting me off. I didn’t fully express myself she (teacher) told me to sit down and in my mind I thought this extremely unfair how I haven’t gotten time to talk. So I got up out of my chair and got everyone attention for the last time to say something before people voted cause I felt as if it would be unfair that I didn’t get chance to talk. And before I can finish she cuts me off AGAIN. Now here’s the thing I kept quiet on my part when it came to presenting out of respect. But the teacher and other kid had something to say about mine when they were praising each other cover. I didn’t interrupt them at any moment. Now if you have read this far here comes the juicy part. I got mad and the meeting was over. I went home and I posted on my Snapchat a rant about the situation but it’s not one of those big rants it was a short cut to the chase rant. I mentioned my teacher but on the next post I said fuck you. Now it Tuesday she come to me and pulls me out of my class in the middle of a psychology lecture interrupting my teacher explaining a new lesson while am trying to keep up with class cause I will admit I have a terrible attention span. Also in my opinion she could have look for me between classes or talk to me when I had her class on Wednesday cause my school we do block schedule. So today was a A day had all my odd classes and tomorrow is B day all my even class. And I had her for period 2 in the morning. Anyways She was like I know what you did and said. I didn’t deny anything to her I was honest and told her that yes I did it. And I tried to explain to her why I did it and she cuts me off AGAIN then getting all defensive when I didn’t even finish my story. Then she goes everyone knows what you said. Am a loner at time because I am extremely anti social it’s amazing I have friends. So I don’t know who she means by everyone I only have a small group of people. So I kinda figured out who snitch but that’s not the point. She is like am going to have a meeting with the members and decide your punishment. Now here is my issue This was out of school property, I didn’t write a hate speech saying this person is the worst and they shouldn’t be alive, and I didn’t give out death threats. It was a simple 2 words fuck you and I didn’t even say the her name in that post where I said fuck you. My concern is there’s wayyy important things to report then my little shit. Honestly people should be reporting kids who do drugs or threats to shoot up a school. I feel like my post shouldn’t be a big deal. And the fact that it’s my social media and should be allowed to post a small rant. And the post happened out of school property. It was when I was home. Now here the question I have been wanting to know should I get punished or not?? Even through I didn’t threaten to kill anyone and didn’t mention drugs (doing or selling) and I didn’t mention her name in the same post. The fuck you part was in a different post. So for example it was like first picture I said I want to rant about - teacher name- the next picture says fuck you but her name is no where near that post. Like it only says fuck you no name added. Side note cause I have to yes would I did was childish I will admit that I posted because out of my emotions but I deleted the post after 20 minutes of being up because I realized what I was doing didn’t seem right and I took a moment to it was taken down. Also YES I know my grammar is extremely poor I have written this extremely fast because I have her for first block tomorrow. I really needed advice/opinion about the situation.


I got kick out of yearbook...welp...if you still wanna leave your opinion about it go ahead am not stopping you just don’t be too harsh