Miscarriage question


My mother is 46 and recently suffered a miscarriage. Now nothing against women in their 40’s having children, but my mother isn’t the best at being a mother so I truly don’t think she should have been trying to have a baby to begin with. But I won’t go into all that.

Anyway, she told me about the baby on Oct. 5th and said she had just found out she lost it. She was two months along and there was no heartbeat at her appt. the day before. I guess she was waiting to see if it would come out on it’s own but it’s been almost two weeks and nothing. She doesn’t want to take the pill that the doctors offered and she’s still trying to hold off on a d&c.

If anyone has gone through this and is willing to share your story with me, I would appreciate being able to help pass along some advice to my mom to help her. She’s not sure what to do right now and if worried that taking the pill would be hard on her body.

Thank you in advance. ❤️