
Hey I’m 36 weeks pregnant and last week my dr advised me to go to the er on Monday then be seen by her on Tuesday again so I left work early/didn’t go Tuesday. On Wednesday my job started grilling me about needing some “accommodations “ paper signed by my doctor right away or they’d have to fire me. So whatever I got the paper signed my doctor faxed it over now today she’s saying going forward I need doctors notes for every appointment to ensure they’re “pregnancy related” which I find ridiculous I’m visibly pregnant they know this and I had given them a list of my appointments from July all the way until November 15th which is a few days after my due date .. but now all of. A sudden because I had a pregnancy concern they’re threatening me with being fired and making me bring a note which I wasn’t asked to previously or advised that I would need to do that when I gave them a list of my appointments. I mean wtf else am I going to the dr for every week 🙄🙄 it’s not that a dr note is unreasonable I just find this all odd now. Am I just being hormonal or does anyone else find this ridiculous.