Tired of the bleeding and pain!

Shannon • 20 years old, 5 year relationship, PCOS, TTC. God doesn’t give you more than you can handle!!! ♥️♥️♥️💛💛💛

It's so much pain and so much bleeding. I deal with pads, tampons, leaking through everything, tylenol, nausea and many other things on a daily basis and I had just learned to "cope" with it and hide it to the best of my ability. But after months of bleeding almost every single day, i finally opened up to my family about it and it has just started to hit me that it isnt ok to look down at an overnight pad full of blood every time you pee, it isnt normal to look into the toilet turned bright red with blood, it isnt normal to have blood clots ranging from the size of a dime all the way to the size of my palm ever time you wipe yourself, it isnt normal to rock yourself to sleep in an effort to comfort myself. I dont have insurance at the moment because my dad lost his job in March, he just got a new job so I will be getting insurance within a few weeks🤞 but until then, the cycle continues, the pain continues. I needed to get this off my chest so thank you for this outlet.