Backseat quickie = June 2019! Symptoms by dpo


Well we did it!! I knew it. I’ve known since I ovulated that something with this cycle was different. So here’s my symptoms by dpo

On 9/27 I ovulated and I felt it on the right side at about 12pm. The OPK that morning was blazing positive. We baby dances at about 5pm and that night we drove overnight 8hrs to Nebraska and arrived about 4am. I fell asleep in the car at about 2am. (Not sure this is important but I was dying to know details like this when TTC)

1 dpo - slept until 8:30am and had a good breakfast. Felt totally normal, no cm

2 dpo - drove 8 hours back home but stopped on the side of the road for a quickie in the backseat :) , sticky cm

3 dpo - normal day, sticky cm

4 dpo - same, nothing eventful

5 dpo - woke up with a sore throat. DH had flu symptoms so I thought it was that, mild headache, creamy cm started

6 dpo - sore throat worsened, congested, mild headache, creamy cm was heavy

7 dpo - sore throat got slightly better, still headache, watery cm was medium, felt a pulling sensation behind my belly button and then a shooting pain in my right leg (quick but painful)

8 dpo - congestion worsened, with headache that lasted all day, creamy cm heavy, DH felt better enough to baby dance for fun

9 dpo - creamy cm, cold like symptoms still continued, a little bloated, took first test this cycle and it was negative

10 dpo - lingering cold, very creamy cm (medium),

11 dpo - lingering cold, couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t breathe, cm turned watery (medium)

12 dpo - shot out of bed at 4am with intense urge to pee, but very little game out. Felt like an extremely intense UTI. At about 5:30am I saw three drops of blood coupled with intense cramps that hurt like heck. Fell asleep at 6am and then went to the OBGYN. Test at the doctor was negative. Migraine started in the afternoon complete with nausea. Exhausted. No cm

13 dpo - worst migraine in the at least 3 years, vomiting all night. Went to my family doctor and they said symptoms sounded like pregnancy, re tested and it was negative. Creamy cm (medium) started again. Determined blood in urine from yesterday was a bladder infection

14 dpo - bladder infection continued, backache started. No cm, glow days period due today CD 31

15 dpo - Light creamy cm, sore breasts but not like a period, <a href="">Glow app</a> said period was one day late but I think my cycles are longer (34 days) than glow thinks, took an hpt and it was negative again

16 dpo - creamy cm (med) , sore breasts (mild)

17 dpo - creamy cm, felt normal finally after bladder infection

18 dpo - watery cm (med), sore breasts got worse

19 dpo - creamy cm, I think I knew there was something there so I took a test and saw a faint line but it had color

20 dpo - (TODAY!) tested first thing this morning and the line darkened!! Tested at about 5pm and the line was even darker still. Got to tell DH the good news tonight and we’re both thrilled. Can’t wait for June 2019 😍


Got back from the doctor, turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. 6 weeks and 3 days 😔 they did blood work and I should hear back more on Monday. Here’s to the next cycle I guess.