Clubbed foot and Echogenic Focus


Has anyone had this combination of things in their little ones before? I had a 21 week anatomy scan which indicated his left foot is clubbed and his left ventricle has an echogenic focus.

When I do further reading, it often says one on its own (either one) can be fine. The clubbed foot can be treated and the spot on his heart can go away. But, as I read on, it says one issue along side another (non-specific) can mean further complications. Everything else on the scan came back normal, however, I’m to have a more in-depth scan at another hospital.

I’m a nervous wreck because my picture might be changing. And as fine as that is, it’s a big shock to me as it’s our first child. I want him to be happy and healthy. He may be special needs. I can’t talk to anyone really until we find out more information. Looking for advice or words of wisdom.