My Birth Story 😊 Home birth


10/15 I had my son at 40 weeks 5 days. I really thought I was going to have to be induced, this is my third baby, first boy. I had no signs of labor besides I was about 2 cm and 30 % effaced. I woke up at the same time I do every morning mon-fri 630am. My oldest is in kindergarten she takes the bus but it was a teacher's planning day. I thought I just woke up to pee and because my brain always wake me up at that time out of habit. I laid back in bed and I started to feel contractions unlike the BH I've been having for weeks I could feel these come and go. I woke my man up and told him today was going to be the day! I took a shower called my midwife. I had an appointment with my chiropractor I asked if I should cancel it she told me to go in early that it would help me. The contractions stayed consistent until I got home, it was like my body knew I was home. I could tell from the pain that I jumped to around 6 cm called my midwife she came checked me sure enough I was a 6. I walked around, leaned on my yoga ball, "slow danced" with my kid's father. My contractions started getting really intense so I laid down for a few before I laid down I actually puked a little I had a bag I didn't like vomit every where or anything I knew I was going to get sick lol. Finally I could feel my water bag and the pressure to push she let me feel it with my hand. She told me if I got up and went to the toilet she was sure he would come right out just to stand when I feel "the ring of fire" I was worried about him like falling in but I was ready to try to get him out. I had 1 contraction when I got to the toilet I stood up walked forward, my water broke and he came right out into her arms and then she put him right into mine!! It was amazing❤❤ He was 7 lbs 8 oz born @ 1245pm the only issue I had was a few hours after I fainted twice I guess from the blood loss or maybe my iron I made it to the bathroom fine but once I sat on the toilet thats when I got dizzy and what not of course I had people with me I didn't hit the floor or anything I also warned them I was feeling it so they knew it was going to happen. I laid down the rest of the day and rested, by the like 6 pm I was good.

My midwife's daughter took these pictures I have a bunch but here are some favs 💜👶