"Are you happy with our marriage?"

Last night my husband asked if I was happy with our marriage. I told him yes but I do need his support around the house. I've asked him to not leave his clothes everywhere, throw his trash away/take the trash out, and even brush his teeth at night.... to the point where I've just given up asking since I feel like I'm nagging him and I'm not his mom I'm his wife😓 we've been together since high school and got married last year.

I found out he had been talking to other women online last fall and we went to counseling this past spring . He hasn't given me reason to doubt him these past couple of months but I just don't think I've gotten over my insecurities. It's like every time he's on his phone/Snapchat I just get so anxious as to who he's talking to. 😓

I've also just lost my sex drive lately which I know affects him but I just don't know what is wrong with me, I don't know if I'm going through a depression because I keep thinking of this time last year where I was totally happy but behind my back my husband was emotionally cheating on me.... I really don't think I've gotten over it yet....has anyone else gone through something similar? Just needing some words of encouragement right now💕