My period ended one week ago yesterday..

Amanda • 💕 34yr old stepmom married to a handsome, supportive man and TTC our 1st. I’ve experienced two chemical pregnancies, one tfmr of twins at 14 weeks due to Trisomy 13, one MMC at 10 weeks (baby was 7 weeks), and a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. It’s been tough

Here’s my cycle: *note, we have sex more than listed, I just don’t log it every time.

It was a full period, not a light one, it made a mess as they all do. No real cramping which isn’t abnormal for me, but blood filled my menstrual cup, bright red blood.. I’ll spare you more details but it was a normal period. It was 7 days late so I went nuts testing before it. My last negative pregnancy test was the day I started bleeding (I didn’t log it). I took another test just to be sure, a stark white test, there was no question it was negative.

You with me?

So then, this past Monday, 3 days ago, I had spotting, old blood, one pantie liner, quarter sized brown smudge. Weird, but I stopped taking the pill 2 months ago so I attribute it to that and my later period to that.

And now today, my pants are not fitting, I’m so bloated it’s not even funny. I’m in the bathroom, calling myself fat, and sitting to pee and I decide to use a test. I have 50 of the internet tests ($15 friends, they are worth every penny) so I can waste them.

And now this....


I’m so excited for this baby, I can’t even tell you but holy shit I’m just in shock!!