A bit lost


Hey all. I’ve been feeling more and more frustrated with my husband. He is getting more and more inflexible with my son (his step-son) and continues to yell at him for every single offense big or small. My son does have some behavioral issues that we struggle with, but my husband refuses to listen to me as far as parenting strategies that I’ve found effective. I’m also a psychologist so literally gone to school for these types of issues but still he acts like I have zero clue and that I’m just “letting him get away with murder.” My husband also has PTSD and a TBi so I know those play a factor. However it is breaking my heart watching this relationship between he and my son get worse and worse. I’m also 6.5 months pregnant and do not have the energy to play referee or therapist when I get home from working all day.

My son is 9.5 and my husband has been in his life in a big way since he was 3, so it’s not like this is a new adjustment for him.

I’m not sure what I’m looking for really. I just feel really alone and lost.