My body’s tripping 😑

Okay so about 5-6 days ago my stomach got to hurting and all crampy I was convinced af was coming I started bleeding later that night a passing little tiny blood clouts is then by the time I woke up I wasn’t bleeding any more and it was very lik blood on my pad and the blood on my pad was a brownish color , it just completely stopped . So I’m confused asf like okaaayyyyy then yesterday the same thing happens I’m all crampy and irritated I started bleeding around 10:30ish pm went took a shower put a pad on and went to bed and woke up to the same thing I’m on the paragard iud and been on it since my 8 weeks was up after having my son in January my body really tripping 🤦🏽‍♀️ anybody know what could be going on. ?