I need help!😕

Ok so long story short I’m 14 and I’ve had my period for about a year and a half now but when I first got it a year and a half ago in July, it was normal until the next month when it didn’t show up. I waited until the next month and the next month.... until January of this year when it finally came back and it was super heavy. After that it was pretty normal until June of this month. It was super small (to the point where I didn’t have to wear anything) from June-August and then it just stoped again. I have no idea what’s wrong and I’m worried that there is something wrong with me and I don’t know what to do. Also I have had tons of discharge and wet stuff like water coming out of me. If this has every happened to anyone or has an idea of what is happening I would really like your help! Please.

*Sorry I forgot to add that I am a virgin and I am not on birthday control to help my acne or anything*