How to repair the love ?


Besides “leave him” or “divorce him” what’s your opinion....

How do I repair the love, me and my husband had....

In our past he physically abused me (knowing my past he still did which hurt and messed me up even more, I was sexually abused by my father and uncle)

He maritally raped me.

I don’t feel loved, I’ve got to the put where I want to be with my husband cause he’s changed on top of that I would be scared to even leave him.. so I’m to the point where I want sex somewhere else because my husband doesn’t appreciate me anymore, he doesn’t make me feel sexy, I hate having sex with him, I get so many flashbacks, or it’s not even fun. In order for me to orgasm I have to be fingered, and he never helps me, he just cums and leaves me hanging when I would never just leave him hanging like that, I just feel like our love needs repaired. Any thoughts or have you been through something similar?