Strange feeling during sex...anyone experience this?

Carmen • 30 year old Mom to 3u3 with our final baby on the way 💕

My SO and I were having sex and I got a strong pain.

9 weeks pregnant with my second and I didn’t experience anything like this with my first. We were highly highly sexually active with my first. Sex everyday til I was 7.5 months pregnant and baby came at 8 months.

We were in a spooning position and I lifted my right leg and when I did so, I felt a pop and a shooting pain. The shooting pain was on my right side and I can’t tell you if it was my leg, my ovary area or higher like the right side of my abdomen.

I was really scared because I’ve been feeling cramps and having yellow discharge but when I went into the restroom there was no blood...yet. I still feel some lingering pain throughout my entire abdomen but it’s more of discomfort.