Uncontrollable crying ?!

Okay I had a baby about 11 days ago and honestly I don’t know if it is my hormones or PP but I seriously cannot stop crying literally in the blink of an eye I’ll start crying but rn the only thing that has been triggering it is the fact my fiancé has been here all week with me because I had an emergency c section and I’ve honestly been dreading him going back to work he has to leave out of state and I cannot stop crying. The day has come an he’s leaving in a few hours and I haven’t stopped crying all day it’ll stop for like maybe an hour or two an then he will say something like he loves me or he will hug me and all the water works start to happen. I have never been this emotional 😭 how can I stop this. Not to mention I start thinking so bad like if he’s never coming back or something God forbid I just don’t want anything to happen to him. An then I look at our baby an I can stop crying an start to feel better again what is going on. Help ?! 😢😩